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 fine art teacher and independent ceramics designer,
teaching and creating outstanding artwork


This site is designed to showcase my range of ceramic artwork as an artist for the last 15 years.  As I work mainly with clay, you'll discover a wide breadth of ceramics that includes both functional and non-functional pieces. I am inspired by balance, symmetry, and textures. I am not limited by style or content. I create in the moment or from a need of a form to bring into my home. There is a two-dimensional section dedicated to my paintings and drawings. While working two-dimensionally, I prefer to work with charcoal and acrylic. I enjoy blending and color matching. 

As an art teacher I felt it necessary to include a portfolio of what I can inspire my students to create. Here you see a wide scope of colorful, joyful, and creative artwork. 


About Me.

I first fell in love with clay when I was a teenager. I had two amazing art teachers that encouraged and nurtured my talent and love for all things art. I aspired to be like them and knew then that I too wanted to become a teacher and spread that love in the language that I know best; clay!

I began to hone my talent at the ClayHouse while it was in Santa Monica, California. At that time, I really focused on throwing wheel pieces and mastering various wheel forms. I worked on carving and relief work on slab pieces that I would take home. It was at this point that I began teaching ceramics at West Ranch High School. I enjoy working with this age group and the creativity these young minds have. After teaching there for 10 years, I moved to a ceramics position closer to my home and currently teach at Leuzinger High School. My students have created many challenging, interesting, and well-crafted ceramic artworks that I felt inclined to also include a student portfolio section. There you will see not just ceramic works but a wide range of sculptures varying in materials.


With an at home studio, I am able to create what I want when I want. Though I am not drawn to any particular form or style, I do create a fair amount of relief work. I rarely create any two pieces that are the same. This is directly related to my belief in individualism in my work, my students' work, and in my life. This is the main reason why I have no interest in becoming a production artist or to work in a production type setting. I create both functional and non-functional art pieces which is determined by either a need for a form or an inspiration to create something. This site is a living portfolio of the pieces that I have created post-college beginning at my time at the ClayHouse (2008), up to the pieces that I have created this year in my own studio. 




Master of Arts 
Azusa Pacific University

My time at Azusa Pacific University involved studying the history of Modern Art.  I learned the processes behind art theory and criticism and gained a greater understanding of dissecting art. My submitted thesis was, "From Functionality to Aesthetics: Pablo Picasso (1881-1973) And Peter Voulkos (1924-2002)".


Bachelor of Arts
St. Ambrose University

At St. Ambrose University I studied equal parts art and education classes. Along with ceramics classes, I learned printmaking, graphic design via Illustration, and how to draw human forms in figure anatomy class. Embedded among my 2 and 3-dimenstional art classes was several primary and secondary art methods classes. My art classes taught me how not only to create, but to observe and evaluate. Skills that I continue to exude and practice.


University of Phoenix

The classes that I took at the University of Phoenix helped prepare my lessons and to teach non-English speaking learners. 


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